Jacob Poole

BS Computer Engineer, UC Riverside

Computer Science & Robotics Teacher
Crescenta Valley High School

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About Jacob

    Previously, I worked at Applied Medical as an Electrical Engineer. I worked with the Voyant Intelligent Energy System on the technology and development team. I love working with people and enjoy focusing on the future and planning of projects. I think beyond my engineering capabilities, this is where I excel.

    I graduated with a computer engineering degree from the University of California, Riverside. My emphasis was in embedded systems and I love to create and play with robots. I delved deeper into FPGA acceleration and design by taking a couple graduate courses. I enjoyed some schematic design and PCB layout as well. I was also very involved on campus with student organizations which include the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Citrus Hack, Women in Computing, etc.

    With all of these, I also volunteer and mentor my high school robotics team, FIRST FRC Team 589 Falkon Robotics and a Riverside local team FIRST FRC Team 6960, the Rusty Huskies. With them competing in the winter for six weeks to design and build a functioning robot for a given game. I mentor them in programming, electronics and driving.

    I've always loved working with kids. That's the reason I ran for outreach chair and program chair in my organizations. In high school, I became a teacher's assistant for a robotics class and fell in love with working with the kids. Just teaching them about engineering and having the learn from me felt so special. I specifically remember multiple times while working withkids on computer science assignments, I would slowly walk them through their error/problem until they suddenly said the word "OHHH" and finally realize how it works. That's when I know I've succeeded. Whenever I help someone or teach someone, that's the moment that I aim for, the "OH" moment. I'd love to teach in the future to inspire the next generation of engineers, but before I do that I'm very excited to join the workforce and enter the industry in embedded systems.

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Mom and Dad

Brother (Noah) and Sister (Grace)



Chipotle Burritos


Board Games

Video Games



Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Society of Women Engineers

Association of Computing Machinery